An American Lectures Dr. Lister

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 17 August 2014 16:07.

First lecture, regarding Obama’s maternal antecedent:

“Obama’s momma was trash. Obama’s momma got pregnant with him out of wedlock, that’s right. And Obama’s momma was only 17 when she got knocked up by that African from over there in Kenya ...Obama’s momma was dirt, she was a bag of trash sitting on the sidewalk waiting there in Honolulu on one of those streets for the garbage truck to come by and pick her up and take her to the dump; rather than the garbage truck coming by, a man named Obama, Barrack Obama, Sr. from Kenya (came). This man who died in a violent accident at the age of 46, who had two iron legs in Kenya..he lost his legs in a violent automobile accident, driving drunk there in Kenya.. but he kept drinking and driving and finally he killed himself with those two iron legs.. the man was a pathetic loser knocking up women all over the Kenyan village of Africa, that’s Obama’s father. Well he knocked up Obama’s mother when she was 17…

My momma told me, and I trust my momma, and her momma told her and she trusts her momma, and I trust both of them. But my momma told me back in the 50’s and 60’s, the only kind of white woman that took-up with a black man was a trashy white woman, was a sluicy, a floozy, a low-life snail eatin’ white woman. That’s the kind of white woman that Obama’s momma was, that was what my momma told me. And if you don’t like it you can tell my momma that you don’t like it. But my momma told me and my momma’s momma told her, that all the momma’s in the communities of blacks saw all those trashy white women hanging around on the outskirts of town with their skirts jacked-up and their breast showing, hoping that some of the black men would take an interest in them, they were nothing but trash. Well Obama’s momma was nothing but trash!”


Are we to be cannon fodder for war on behalf of White plutocrats?

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 15 August 2014 11:04.

While we are (in 299 words) addressing David Duke and his single greatest cause issue - Jewish power and influence - with his admonition against their strategy of divide-and-conquer, we should ask..

Is it not possible that our traitorous White plutocrats would be happy to have us fight a war against that which is also their greatest enemy - Jewish power and biocultural patterns -  and use us as cannon fodder?

What, after all, have they done for us?

What have they done to merit our loyalty?

What have they done to fight Jewish power and influence? mass non-White immigration into European peoples’ habitats? the destruction of European cultures and people?


Stevie Winwood

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 15 August 2014 05:11.

An exemplar of a White man, an English man, who can naturally assimilate a black sound in his vocals and music, but excelling beyond, in creativity.    586 words

He provides an antidote to black artists propped-up by Madison Avenue as alpha-male role models for wiggers.

Unfortunately, Winwood’s best work was limited to a span between his ages of 18 and 22. Though abundant, it is perhaps also unfortunate that his songs of that time were often thematically psychedelic, and because they were so good, were seductive to drug abuse. Nevertheless, if one had the intellectual, emotional and social structures to avoid getting caught-up in drug abuse, these psychedelic songs provided a reprieve from the all too abundant songs so stressfully obsessed with pursuing women to superhuman lengths - a great deal of stress for both young men and women, while not providing much advice regarding skills to negotiate such prospective relations - The Grassroots, “I’d Wait A Million Years,” “Midnight Confessions,” The Who’s “Bargain” come to mind.

Controversy aside, Winwood’s rock music was cool, manly and English. It did not shrink against African man, but eagle-clawed its stylisms and excelled beyond in imagination. These abilities command respect and emulation from young White men.


Fratricidal Tendency

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 08 August 2014 08:51.

Fratricidal tendency, boding against race as a practical organizational concept, issues one of the most significant challenges to advocates of people of native European descent.

3,566 words

Subtitle: Graham’s shirked paternal responsibility in that regard.

To intervene and ameliorate fraternal relations, perhaps, or to argue more thoroughly as to why race is not the proper group membership concern.

Needless to say, betrayal by those close to us is among the hardest challenges to cope with in life, and the most de-motivating of defending E.G.I.

It is prima facie an acute issue to deal with and one that would require some of our top guns to handle properly - the likes of Dr. Lister and Frank Salter. Their help and more, of course, is needed in addressing this matter which we have all felt too closely to handle rationally by ourselves. What I mean by “fratricidal tendencies” is something quite general - antagonism of those closely related, ranging from irresponsible negligence to literal fratricide and war between our closely kindred people.

As we are so invested and investing in these people, the pursuit of remedy to these conflicts has created our most painful and destructive moments, where we did and gave our best to people who betrayed us - we became enemies to ourselves.



The Reality Of

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 06 August 2014 04:19.




Quote Whitehead

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 04 August 2014 03:17.

“Operations of thought are like cavalry charges in a battle — they are strictly limited in number, they require fresh horses, and must only be made at decisive moments.”
- Alfred North Whitehead, “Adventures of Ideas”

899 words


Did I Really See That?

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 August 2014 08:29.


Am I really seeing this?

1925 words

Before proceeding to disconcerting examples of media abuse and manipulation against us, let’s look at some background that Bill provided, of an England as it used to be:

“Yes. I’ve shown this before. Pity the music is not English but I still love it. Today its the BBC* (modernity) that gives us our culture so is it surprising we are what we are?” - Bill

We have touched upon this to some extent, but not as a focused topic: specifically, turning points where media pushed the envelope of liberalism. Bill cited the British program, “That Was The Week That Was.” I acknowledged his indignation with media pushing liberalism in that era by citing segments from The Beatles, “A Hard Day’s Night.”

There are other obvious examples from that time, notably -

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?

And in the late 80’s, the dam bursting with

Madonna’s Like A Prayer

..which, btw, was shown continuously in Eastern Europe prior to the fall of communism.

However, there are examples of liberal envelope-pushing that are promoted not so much to cross the line (though they do) but to put it across as Taken For Granted.

Where these tactics are effective indeed, Whites can feel all the more alienated and foreign in their sense of righteous indignation, as no shared social, let alone institutionalized, response is forthcoming.

This is perhaps more of a pre-Internet phenomenon, when non-interaction with media provided little recourse to discuss the shock of this kind of assault on White interests.

Yet, as we have had these experiences, of seeing galling transgressions of White interests in media or in day-to-day interaction, it may help to know that you are not crazy: yes, you saw this and it is outrageous to an extreme. With that, these experiences acknowledged, it may be possible to redress not only these episodic instantiations, not only patterns, but lynchpins behind their occurrence.

Contributing to the feeling of “did I really see that?” is having these shocking experiences shrugged-off by others (Whites), either simultaneous to the occurrence or in the attempted report of it as an outrage.

I would encourage commentors to list a few of these experiences of “did I really see that? Could this be true?” (typically treated by others as if nothing, the fault is in you).


Did I Really See That??

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 August 2014 08:27.

Am I really seeing that?

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Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:07. (View)

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